
Sop Lengkap GE Treadmill T2100 & Case

Peralatanelektromedik.com-Dalam artikel ini, kami akan menjelaskan tentang SOP Treadmill merk GE dengan tipe T2100. Artikel ini berisi cara bagaimana menginstall, mengoperasikan, maintenance, dan melakukan perbaikan alat Treadmill T2100 kepada sobat elektromedis dimanapun berada.

Pertama Kita Akan Membahas Bagaimana Cara Menginstalasi Unit Case 
1. Hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum instalasi adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Berita Acara.
  • Standard Tools.
  • Tegangan Listrik.
  • Grounding Test.
2. Instalasi 
Langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan saat instalasi adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Check List Unit dan Kelengkapannya.
  • Instalasi Monitor Support.
Berikut langkah-langkah pemasangan Monitor Support :
  • Kunci roda terlebih dahulu.
  • Buka akses panel bagian belakang.

  • Lepas mur dibagian bawah monitor support.
  • Urutkan kabel monitor melalui lubang dibagian bawah.
  • Pasang sekrup sesuaikan dengan lubang.
  • Kuatkan support monitor menggunakan mur yang telah dilepas sebelumnya, berdasarkan gambar dibawah.

  • Instalasi Release Handle, Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
    • Masukkan Release Handle ke dalam lubang berulir dan putar searah jarum  jam.
    • Angkat dan putar handle ke posisi tengah.
    • Putar handle berlawanan arah jarum jam untuk melonggarkan dan putar searah jarum jam untuk mengencangkan pada mounting plate.
  • Instalasi Monitor Flat, Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
    • Buka 2 buah sekrup yang bagian dalam (2  M4 Screw).
    • Pasang monitor sesuai dengan gambar dibawah ini.

    • Pasang sekrup dan kencangkan.

    • Urutkan kabel ke Connector Panel.

    • Rapikan kabel menggunakan clamp

    • Atur kemiringan layar sesuai dengan cara memutar tuas dibagian belakang berlawanan arah jarum jam sambil menggerakan monitor naik atau turun.

  • Instalasi keyboard dan mouse, Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
    • Masukkan kabel keyboard dan mouse ke lubang seperti gambar dibawah ini,  kemudian tarik di bagian belakang panel.

    • Gunakan PS/2 Adapter untuk menghubungkan mouse ke panel.
    • Hubungkan konektor kabel pada port mouse dan keyboard.
  • Instalasi Acquisition Module
    • Pasang konektor (1) ke CAM 14 seperti gambar dibawah ini, simpan di tray (3).
  • Tes Power dan Fungsional
    • Hubungkan Power Cord ke Main Connection.
    • Tekan tombol power ke posisi ON.
    • Tekan tombol power pada bagian samping (sebelah kanan.
Instalasi Mesin Treadmill T2100

1. Instalasi
Langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan saat instalasi adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Check List Unit dan Kelengkapannya
  • Tes tegangan listrik. (Pastikan tegangan listrik 200 sampai 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz).
  • Instalasi Handle Set
Berikut langkah-langkah pemasangan Handling Set :
  • Buka Shroud Back (3).
  • Pasang Front Handrails (front rails) dan kunci dengan menggunakan bracket (5) di kanan bawah dan kiri bawah.
  • Tutup Shroud Back (3).
  • Pasang Side Handrails (side rails) dengan pengunci dibagian kanan (6) dan kiri (7).
Item Description
    • Brackets
    • Shroud Back
    • Grommet
    • Notch (notch designates the right side handrail from the left side handrail). 
    •  Front Handrail Mounting Bracket
    • Right Side
    • Left Side
    • Side Rail Mounting Hole
  • Pasang T-Bracket sesuai gambar

Item Description
    • Bolt (On both the left and right side rails)
    • T-Bracket
    • Nut (On both the left and right side rails)
    • Align the side rails to the pre-drilled guide holes in the front rails
  • Instalasi ESTOP
Pasang ESTOP sesuai gambar.

Item Description
    • Emergency Stop Switch Assembly
    • Cable
    • Clamp
    • Handrail
  • Ground Continuity Test
Tes ini untuk memverifikasi tahanan kontinuitas antara permukaan logam dengan pin ground pada power cord. Lakukan langkah-lngkah berikut :
    • Sambungkan power cord dengan treadmill.
    • Ukur resistansi dengan menggunakan multitester sesuai gambar, tahanan harus kurang dari 100 mΩ.
  • Hubungkan unit Treadmill dengan Controlling Device (CASE atau Cardiosoft)
  • Nyalakan Unit.
  • Rapikan kabel agar tidak terjepit roda.
  • Cek Walking Belt Tension and Tracking.
Operasikan unit dengan kecepatan yang bervariasi dan pastikan walking belt tetap pada posisi center. Cek Emergency Stop Switch.
    • Atur kcepatan treadmill secara manual, setelah mencapai kecepatan relative cepat, tekan tombol ESTOP, pastikan treadmill berhenti. Untuk membuka tombol ESTOP, putar tombol ¼ inci ke arah yang berlawanan.
    • Matikan treadmill untuk memulai kembali pengoperasian.
  • Self Calibration.

Untuk menjalankan self calibration, lakukan langkah-langkah berikut :
    • Lepas konektor kabel dari CASE/Cardiosoft, atau matikan unit  CASE/Cardiosoft.
    • Aktifkan tombol ESTOP.
    • Hubungkan Power Cord ke sumber listrik.
    • Tekan dan tahan tombol kalibrasi (1).
    • Tekan saklar ke posisi ON (2).
    • Tahan terus tombol kalibrasi (1) sampai treadmill mulai kalibrasi.
    • Tunggu sampai kalibrasi selesai (sekitar 2 menit).
  • Cek treadmill level
  • Tes kebocoran
Berikut ini adalah diagram tes kebocoran :


Applies To:

Maximum Current (μA)

1 Ground-wire-leakage-to ground

T2100 Treadmill

Gnd open = 1000

2 Chassis-leakage-to-ground

T2100 Treadmill

Gnd open = 500

Gnd closed = 100

  • Tes 1

  • Tes 2
  • Cek fungsional
Periksa kembali semua fungsi bekerja dengan baik.
  • Double-check Handles
Pastikan semua handle aman dan terpasang kuat.

Selanjutnya Cara Pengoperasiannya, Simak dan Perhatikan.

Tujuan :
Sebagai pedoman pengoperasian unit Case Treadmill

Ruang Lingkup:
SOP pengoperasian Case Treadmill dapat digunakan untuk Case Treadmill.

Prosedur :
Subject  : Step-by-step Operation

Lembar instruksi ini hanya untuk membantu pemakaian alat secara cepat, untuk     informasi detailnya silahkan lihat operator manual.

  1. Pasang electrode 12 lead, sebelumnya dibersihkan terlebih dahulu pada daerah yang akan ditempel pada elektrode.
  2. Pasang BP (Blood Pressure ) cuff pada lengan kanan untuk mendapatkan hasil BP.
  3. Masukan data pasien :
    • Tekan New Patient
    • ketik patient’s last name dan setelah itu tekan tab yang ada pada keyboard dan ketik kemudian first name.
    • Patient ID harus diisi, id tidak boleh sama dengan pasien lainnya. Date of birth, Gender, Race, height dan weight juga harus diketik.
    • Setelah semua data pasien diisi tekan Accept.
    • Setelah itu baru tekan tombol select.
Pada layar monitor akan tampil Test information windows.

Untuk data test     information terdapat menu-menu sbb:

  1. Modify berfungsi sebagai : merubah data pasien yang salah ketik .
  2. Select protocol yang diinginkan.
  3. Max pred HR , mesin langsung mengkalkulasi berdasarkan umur.
  4. Target HR persentasi dari Max pred HR.
Kemudian clik icon Test personel :

  1. Ketik medical history pasien kalau pasien pernah mengalami 
  2. suatu penyakit  atau suatu operasi sebelumnya.
  3. Enter Reason for Test / alasan kenapa dilakukan test.
  4. Ketik Test type apakah treadmill test atau lainnya.
  5. Ketik nama Ref.MD/ nama dokter yang periksa, dan ketik juga nama tehnician/nama suster yang mengoperasikan alat.
  6. Jika ada comment/saran mengenai test dapat diketik.

Lalu Cara Maintenancenya, bagaimana? Simak Berikut ini

Pertama Unit Case

1. Persiapan

Hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum maintenance adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Standard Tools
  • Leakage Current Tester
    • 120 V (or equivalent)
    •  240 V (or equivalent)
  • Multimeter
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Dust Remover (compressed air)
  • Lint-free Cloth
2. Maintenance

Langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan saat maintenance adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Inspection and Cleaning
  • Electrical Safety Test
3. Form Maintenance

Kedua  Unit Treadmill T2100

1. Persiapan 

Hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan preventive maintenance adalah sebagai berikut :

Standard Tools :

  • Socket and Driver set – 9mm (3/8”) or 12mm (1/2”) drive, including extensions and 9mm (3/8”), 11mm (7/16”), 12mm (1/2”), 14mm (9/16”) sockets.
  • Wrench set with opposite "box" and "open" ends in9mm (3/8”), 11mm (7/16”), 12mm (1/2”), 14mm (9/16”).
  • Screwdrivers small and medium size "flat" tip and "Phillips" tip.
  • Needle nose pliers.
  • Crescent Wrench/Channel Locks 40mm (1 1/2”) minimum.
  • Hex Key set 3mm (1/8”), 4mm (5/32”), 6mm (1/4”).
  • Carpenter’s level.
  • DVOM.
  • Leakage current tester PN MT-1216-01 (for 120 V), PN MT-1216-02 (for 240 V), or equivalent.
  • CASE Treadmill Interface cable PN 700609-002.
  • Antiseptic cleaner.
  • Dust remover (compressed air).
2. Preventive Maintenance

Berikut ini adalah pemeriksaan periodic yang direkomendasikan oleh GE, diantaranya  sebagai berikut :

  • Inspection and Cleaning.
  • Walking Belt Tension Adjustment.
  • Walking Belt Tracking Adjustment.
  • Self-Calibration.
  • Check the handles and tighten the fasteners.
  • Test the emergency stop switch.
3. Dokumen Preventive Maintenance

Dokumen preventive maintenance meliputi :

  • Service Report
  • Form Preventive Maintenance

Terakhir Bagaimana Melakukan Perbaikan, Tapi disini kami akan menjelaskan menggunakan versi bahasa inggris.

Pertama Unit Case
1. Persiapan
Hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum troubleshooting adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Standard Tools
  • Multimeter
2. Troubleshooting Case GE
Langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan saat maintenance adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Service Tools
    • Service Screen
    • Diagnostic Tests
Service Screen
The Service Screen is used to help diagnose issues with the CASE system. It provides access to the system log, key settings, software tests, and service functions. It can be accessed in the General Settings via the “For Service” key. When prompted for a password, enter helserv or case8k, depending on model.




Displays internal logbook entries of e errors arising during the run period since the last program start. Each entry is time stamped. You can delete the log or save it for future reference.


Activates the entries in the internal logbook. Can only be deactivated until next program start


Deletes all entries in internal logbook.

Save as…

Saves all entries of the internal logbook to a text file.

OK or Cancel

Close the Service Screen

Archive Path

Select on a CASE System the path to the archive A: (floppy drive) or E: (CDROM drive). This Archive Path is only displayed if the password case8k was entered.

CORINA time constant (HP filter)

Time Constant for CORINA ECG Acquisition Module. Should be not changed unless requested by customer.

CAM14 High Pass Filter

High Pass Filter for CAM14 ECG Acquisition Module. Should be not changed unless requested by customer.

Research Full Disclosure ECG (in directory \ONL500,


Should be set to “none”. If you select any other value, the hard disk will fill up quickly: for every Full disclosure ECG a Full disclosure ECG with 500 Samples per second or 2000

Samples per second will be stored.

CAM14 Disable Lead-Fail Bias

Disable Lead-Fail Bias for CAM14 ECG Acquisition Module.


Test of the CASE ECG Acquisition Module.


Test of the Thermal Writer.


Test of the CASE function keyboard.


Burn-In Test for CASE.


Loop back test for CASE Serial ports.

Test dictionary…

Compares the Text Strings of the selected language with the actual selected language of the system configuration.

Service notice…

Service Person can write notice to a file.

Set CAM-USB/CORINA Serial Number…

Set the CAM-USB or the CORINA Serial number of a CAM- USB or CORINA from Service with Serial Number 0.

Delete Network Locks…

All other stations of the network using this server must be stopped before this Network Locks should be deleted.

Save Log Files

Save the Log Files what have been activated from Engineering and send this Log Files please to Engineering.

Format floppy

Formats a floppy disk.

Diagnostic Tests
The diagnostic tests check operation of the acquisition module and board, writer, and keypad. A burn-in test in the menu is for factory production only.

Access the Tests
  • On the startup screen, click System Config.
  • On the System Configuration screen click For Service Only.

1.     When the Password prompt appears, enter helserv or case 8R.

2.     From the bottom of the Service Screen choose the CASE Test Software you want to view

 3. General Troubleshooting

Problem: Stress test driver settings lost. Stress test profiles were changed or newly created and are no longer there.

Solution: The file ERG_PROT_V5AN.DAT (ERG_PROT_ANSI.DAT old name before V4.2) in the Windows directory was inadvertently deleted or overwritten. A backup of this file should be made after changing profiles so that it can be restored even after a hard disk error (restore file into Windows directory).

Problem: Defective data sets in the database. Errors occur during patient selection, but not when selecting examination options.

Solution: Contact technical support for a reorganization tool, which may repair the error in the database.

By activating the REORG procedure you can reorganize defective BTRIEVE files from CASE. This repair procedure may become necessary when the data becomes damaged for some reason or another (e.g. after a power failure). To carry out the repair procedure successfully, CASE must first of all be terminated. There must be sufficient memory space on your hard disk.

As a general rule, the following applies: memory space required = twice as much free memory space as the sum of all CASE files with the suffix “BTR”. The original CASE file are still available in the form of “OLD” files after reorganization and should only be deleted when the reorganization has been completed successfully. If the reorganization is unsuccessful, the only option remaining is to retrieve the latest backup data or contact technical support for the Database Repair Tool (CARD_REP).

Problem: Error when reading examinations, examinations get lost Error messages whe calling up examinations from the archive or examinations no longer there.

Solution: There are two causes, which may lead to the loss of data on hard disks. One is a read error on the disk; the second is the destructive influence of some viruses. Indications of a defective hard disk sometimes exhibit themselves as reading errors in certain sectors. The number of defective sectors increases with time. Such a hard disk must be replaced.

Revision N CASE Exercise Testing System FSM 6-132027786-082

Problem: Patient locked, although only called up from one workstation A patient in the network is locked, although they are only called up from one workstation. This error onl occurs when the program crashes or after switching off the PC without having terminated CASE beforehand.

Solution: Please be sure that CASE is not running from any workstation.

Problem: Monitoring stress tests Attempt to monitor a stress test from two stations at the same time.

Solution: None! A stress test currently being performed can be monitored from one station only at any one time.

Problem: Swapping out examinations. Almost simultaneous swap-out at severa stations; examinations are destroyed.

Solution: None! Refer to Device Manual.

Problem: Transferring examinations to data media When an examination is transferred to another data medium, naming a subdirectory with an umlaut (or other special characters), the examination cannot be retrieved.

Solution: Create subdirectories without umlauts (or other special characters). It is not possible to transfer more than 512 examinations into the root directory of a data medium as DOS is only able to manage a maximum of 512 files on this medium. If more examinations are to be transferred, a subdirectory must be created. The number of files there is practically unlimited.

Problem: No connection to ergometer Ergoline 900.

Solution: Use Version “752” or “M345” with OEM 4 buttons, or Version “236”/“436” in Program 10 with original 25 button Ergoline.

Problem: Modem RAS connection is not started.

In MUSE Settings of System Configuration of CASE is activated “Start Modem connection before transfer”, but the connection is not started. Please do not start manually the Modem RAS connection when you configure that the application should start the connection.

Solution: Terminate the manually started Modem RAS connection. 6-14 CASE Exercis Testing System FSM Revision N 2027786-082

Problem: Not enough memory space when compressing examination.

When compressing examination and using a Hard Disk >4.3GB the following message will occur that less than 15% of storage medium is free.

Solution: Set the percentage of storage medium in CASE tab System Configuration, button Database to 1% or Disable Check of free disk space with entry “LOG_DisableFreeCheck=1” in section “[CARDIO]” in the “WIN.INI” file

Problem: Reprogramming Serial Number


  • Go to the Service Screen and select Service Tool for Corina and CAM-USB v5.0.
  • Select Read Acquisition System Information. Only when the Acquisition System serial number is “0” the Serial Number Programming Mode can be entered.
Problem: On some occasions, the program does not calculate the target load. Solution: To calculate the target load, the program needs to know the patient's gender date of birth, height, and weight.

In the following situations, the program is not able to calculate the target load: age < 15 years or age > 84 years

or height < 50 cm or height > 250 cm or weight < 20 kg o weight > 200 kg or body surface area (men) < 1.6 m2 or body surface (women) < 1.2 m2

Problem: OS Message appears: Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed.

Solution: When the message appears, please install the Acrobat Reader from the CASE CD.

  1. You must have system administrator privileges to install the software.
  2. Insert the CASE CD in the CD ROM drive. If the CD drive automatically starts up, close the CASE Installation Screen.
  3. Select Start > Run.
  4. In the command line type X:\Disk\Setup Acrobat (X=CD ROM drive letter, e.g. “E” or “D”).
  5. Click OK.
  6. Follow the displayed prompts.
Symptom: Application seems to lock up at Test End in Exercise Test. If the database is damaged and the user initiates to store the test, there is a BTRV error message. But this error message may appear behind the acquisition window. The problem is that the user will not see the message box and for him it seems that the system locked up.

Solution: Press one of the keys ALT, ESC, RETURN. This will bring the error message into the foreground

Symptom: Application seems to lock up while printing a Post Test Report on the thermal printer.

Solution: Press the key ‘Stop Printing’ on the function keyboard. Delete the print job from the Marquette Thermal printer: Settings / Control Panel / Printer.

Problem: InSite 2.0 - No remote access to server.

Solution: Check if the remote servicing software “PC Anywhere” is installed on your PC. If it is installed, please remove it.

Problem: Test cannot be opened with the MUSE Browser function, when running Windows XP on a CASE system. The window that opens is blank and no error message is displayed.

Solution: Install the CD Security Patches CASE XP, PN 2034985-001.

  • Flat Panel Monitor Problems
    • Problem: No picture
    • Solutions:
      • The signal cable should be completely connected to the monitor computer.
      • Check that the Vacation Switch is in the ON position.
      • Front Power Switch on the monitor and the CASE power switch should be in the ON position.
      • Check the monitor and your computer with respect to recommended settings.
      • Check the signal cable connector for bent or pushed-in pins.
Problem: Power Button does not respond


  •  Unplug the power cord of the monitor from the AC outlet to turn off and reset the monitor.
  • Check the Vacation Switch on the left side of the monitor.
Problem: Image Persistence

Solution: Image persistence is when a residual or “ghost” image of a previous image remains visible on the screen. Unlike CRT monitors, LCD monitors, image persistence is not permanent, but constant images being displayed for a long period of time should be avoided.

To alleviate image persistence, turn off the monitor for as long as the previous image was displayed. For example, if an image was on the monitor for one hour and a residual image remains, the monitor should be turned off for one hour to erase the image. We recommend that when your CASE is sitting idle for long periods of time, turn OFF the system or the monitor.

Problem: Image is unstable, unfocused or swimming is apparent


  • Signal cable should be completely attached to the computer.
  • Use the OSM (On Screen Manager) Image Adjust controls to focus and adjust display by increasing or decreasing the fine total. When the display mode is changed, the OSM Image Adjust settings may need to be re-adjusted.
  • Check the monitor with respect to recommended signal timings.
  • If your text is garbled, change the video mode to non-interlace and use 60Hz refresh rate
Problem: LED on monitor is not lit (no green or amber color can be seen) Solution: Power Switch should be in the ON position and power cord should be connected.

Problem: Display image is not sized properly


  • Use the OSM Image Adjust controls to increase or decrease the Coarse total.
  • Check to make sure that a supported mode has been selected on the system being used. (Please consult system manual to change graphics mode.
Problem: No Video


  • If no video is present on the screen, turn the Power button OFF and ON again.
  • Make certain the computer is not in a power-saving mode (touch the keyboard or mouse).
Printer Debugging

Problem: In Windows 2000, some characters overlap the characters that follow them Select Start > Settings > Printers and select your standard printer.

Solution: Select menu “File” the entry “Properties”. Select “General” Tab and press button “Printing Preferences” and than press button “Advanced”. In the displayed list is in the topic “Document Options” the Entry “Print Optimizations”. This “Print Optimizations” must be disabled.

Problem: Printout incomplete

Solution: The printer probably has insufficient memory.

Problem: NT 4.0, slowly printing with HP6P, HP2100M, HP4050M (only CardioSoft) Solution: Please replace the original printer driver with “HP Laserjet 5M” from the Windows Workstation CD ROM.

Problem: Laser printer prints numbers instead of grid.

Solution: There are three solutions for this issue:

  • If you work within a network installation, make sure that CardioSoft is installed on every client that wand’s to work with this software.
  • Open Printer properties menu and change the printer scheduling to “Print direct.”
  • Do the following entries to the WIN.INI, section [CARDIO] GRA_DontRemoveGrid=1
Another solution can be to disable character sets in the Control Panel: Start ---> Settings ---> Control Panel ---> Regional Options 1  In Language settings for systems, disable the following character sets:

  • Arabic
  • Hebrew
  • Indic
  • Korean
  • Thai
  • Vietnames
After changing these settings the system must be rebooted.

Problem: Paper out message from a laser printer is displayed delayed

Solution: You can reduce the Transmission Retry Timeout to decrease the delay of the displayed Paper out message, but it could cause a timeout message during the printing of pages with noisy ECG curves.

Reduce the Transmission Retry Timeout in Windows Printer Settings (tab Port, button Configure Port...).

Problem The error message “Paper Jam” appears when the P2000 is turned off. Solution With the power on, open and close the writer door. This will clear the error message.

Prevention This problem occurs only when the P2000 is turned off after the PC has booted. To prevent this error from occurring, do not turn off the P2000 while the PC is on.

Usage and Workaround of Acrobat 6

Problems occur if the newer Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard (6.0.0 19.05.2003) is used instead of version 5 which is validated for CASE 5.02 and 5.1x. The following workarounds are helpful if customers are not able to get a full Adobe Acrobat 5 version. The proper usage of Acrobat 6 will be established in a future release.

Problem When you try to export an examination to a PDF the following error message occurs:

“Adobe Acrobat Distiller” is not installed!”Workaround Change printer name and adjust printing preferences.

1.   Go to Start --> Settings --> Printers, and change “Adobe PDF” to “Acrobat Distiller”. In Printing Preferences of the renamed Adobe PDF (right mouse key) uncheck Do not send fonts to “Adobe PDF.

Problem In CardioSoft 5.1x, Acrobat 6 starts with this error message IF the online help function is invoked the first time:

Could Not Connect

Workaround Click OK to quit the message, then click Help button again. Acrobat now shows the desired location in the Operator’s Manual.

Problem: OS Message appears: Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed

Solution: When the message appears, please install the Acrobat Reader V5.1 from the CardioSoft CD.

  • You need system administrator privileges to install the software.
  •  Insert the CardioSoft CD in the CD ROM drive. If the CD drive does an automatically start up, close the CardioSoft Installation Screen.
  • Select Start > Run.
  •  In the command line type X:\Disk\Setup Acrobat (X=CD ROM drive letter, e.g. “E” or “D”).
  • Click OK.
  • Follow the displayed prompts.

Perbaikan Treadmill T2100

1. Persiapan
Hal-hal yang perlu dipersiapkan sebelum melakukan Troubleshooting adalah sebagai berikut 
  • Standard Tools :
    • Socket and Driver set – 9mm (3/8”) or 12mm (1/2”) drive, including extensions and 9mm (3/8”), 11mm (7/16”), 12mm (1/2”), 14mm (9/16”) sockets.
    • Wrench set with opposite "box" and "open" ends in9mm (3/8”), 11mm (7/16”), 12mm (1/2”), 14mm (9/16”).
    • Screwdrivers small and medium size "flat" tip and "Phillips" tip.
    • Needle nose pliers.
    • Crescent Wrench/Channel Locks 40mm (1 1/2”) minimum.
    • Hex Key set 3mm (1/8”), 4mm (5/32”), 6mm (1/4”).
    • Carpenter’s level.
    • DVOM.
    • Leakage current tester PN MT-1216-01 (for 120 V), PN MT-1216-02 (for 240 V), or equivalent.
    • CASE Treadmill Interface cable PN 700609-002.
    • Antiseptic cleaner.
    • Dust remover (compressed air).
  • Treadmill Diagnostic Utilitiy (TDU)
2. Flowchart Troubleshooting
Berikut ini adalah panduan pemeriksaan cepat (quick check items) untuk  mempermudah dalam troubleshooting, diantaranya sebagai berikut :
  • Tabel Kecepatan dan Kemiringan
    • Gunakan quickcheck chart di bawah untuk menganalisa penyebab kerusakan yang berhubungan dengan Speed and Elevation.

  • Verifikasi ESTOP
    • Pastikan ESTOP terpasang dan terhubung, jika tidak unit treadmill tidak akan bisa dioperasikan.
  • Power Switch
    • Ketika tombol power ditekan ke posisi OFF, ada jeda waktu sekitar 1 detik untuk system mematikan semua daya. Setelah mematikan unit, tunggu sekitar 1 detik untuk menghidupkannya kembali.
  • Burn-In Mode
    • Ini adalah modus siklus berulang untuk kalibrasi elevasi dan mengetahui perubahan walking belt. Ini membantu mengatasi
  • Check the handles and tighten the fasteners.
  • Test the emergency stop switch.
Troubleshooting Treadmill T2100

1. Activating Burn In

INJURY TO PERSON. During the burn-in process the T2100 Treadmill will reach maximum elevation and speed in a repetitive cycle until power is removed. Make sure you monitor the site at all times. Make sure there are no customers or patients on or near the T2100 Treadmill during burn-in.

To activate the burn-in mode, do the following:
  • Remove controlling device (CASE, MTC-1) cable or turn off the controlling device.
  • Unlock the emergency stop switch.
  • Connect the AC power cable on the T2100 Treadmill to the wall outlet.
  • Press and hold in the Calibration button.
  • Turn the T2100 Treadmill power switch to the On position.
  • Continue to hold the Calibration button until the T2100 Treadmill starts changing elevation.
Hold the Calibration button for at least 4 seconds. May be up to 25 seconds only for a T2100 processor board that has never been calibrated. This initiates the self-calibration routine.

The burn-in mode can only be activated while the T2100 Treadmill is performing a self-calibration.
  • Press the Calibration button again as soon as the T2100 Treadmill gets to the maximum height limit switch (maximum 30 seconds) and hold until the T2100 Treadmill elevation starts changing again (maximum 2 seconds). This initiates the burn-in mode. The self calibration routine must finish before the burn-in mode starts.

Item Description :
  1. Calibration Button
  2. ON/OFF Power Switch
2. Self-Calibration Routine
  1. The T2100 Treadmill checks the functionality of the elevation limit switches and the potentiometer by rising to the maximum height limit switch.
  2. The T2100 Treadmill sets the elevation parameters by descending to the minimum height limit switch and then rising again to the maximum height limit switch.
  3. The T2100 Treadmill descends to 10% grade and revolves the walking belt at 3.2 km/h (2 mph) for 30 seconds.
3. Burn-In Routine
  1. The T2100 Treadmill elevates to 25°.
  2. The T2100 Treadmill elevates to 0°.
  3.  The T2100 Treadmill elevates to 10°.
  4. The T2100 Treadmill elevates to 12.5°.
  5. The T2100 Treadmill activates the walking belt. The walking belt goes from 0 to 21.7 km/h (13.5 mph) in increments of .8 km/h (0.5 mph) every 7.5 seconds.
  6. After reaching 21.7 km/h (13.5 mph) the walking belt coasts to a stop and the elevation lowers to 0°.
  7. The burn-in routine repeats until power is removed from the T2100 Treadmill.
4. Visual Inspection
A thorough visual inspection of the equipment can save time. Small things—disconnected cables, foreign debris on circuit boards, missing hardware, loose component—can frequently cause symptoms and equipment failures that may appear to be unrelated and difficult to track. Take the time to make all of the recommended visual checks (refer to the visual inspection chart on the next page) before starting any detailed troubleshooting procedures.

Before performing any maintenance or repair on the equipment, take precautions against electrostatic discharge damage.

Solder multilayer and surface mount PCB assemblies at your own risk! Improper repair methods can damage the PCB assemblies even further. Only qualified service personnel with the proper equipment should attempt to repair PCBs.

5. Power Down
Set the treadmill’s power switch to OFF (0). Disconnect the power cord from the AC wall outlet.



Unplug the unit before performing the following procedure.

Visual Inspection Chart

6. T2100 Treadmill Diagnostic Utility (TDU) 

The TDU can be installed on an FE laptop, PC, or a CASE system and is used as an interface to retrieve error and event logs stored in the T2100 Treadmill flash memory. These event and error logs are used to help troubleshoot problems, and identify historical trends. See “TDU Troubleshooting Tables and Status LEDs” on page 68 for diagnostic scenarios using TDU’s error and event codes.




Port Serial communication port selection. (COM1 is the default port.)


Serial No. Text field for manual input of the serial number which is only for documentation in the log file. (Instead of the serial number, an optional 16-digit text can be entered.)


Connect treadmill – A connection to the T2100 Treadmill will be established. This must be done before you can download a log file. The T2100 Treadmill characteristics (Type, Version, ...) are shown in the status line when the connection is done. For your PC/Laptop the connection will be released when the TDU is closed. The scratch file TDU Dwnld.txt in default directory will be created or overwritten.


4A: Retrieve event logs – Initiates the download of the T2100 Treadmill event memory. After downloading the scratch file TDU Dwnld.txt contains all rough data. Subsequently a text file will be created with an unique file name built of date and time and the extension .log. 4B: Stop – Only available while retrieving event logs. The process will stop and a log file will be created with the events that have been received.


Erase treadmill events – The T2100 Treadmill events will be erased in the device flash. All previous events stored are lost. The power up time, belt time, and elevation time are reset.


Store sorted event – Creates an additional log file with the events as sorted in the List of events and errors. The sort criteria is documented in the log file. The filename remains with the addition sorted.


Help Shows this help file.


Exit Exits the TDU. For your PC/Laptop the connection will be closed.


Status line Displays current date and time, and status of the TDU utility.


List of events and errors – This list shows all events in a log file in a formatted form. By clicking the column header the list can be sorted accordingly. See “TDU Error Log Date and Time Information” on page 67 for a description of the TDU timestamp.


List of log files in the default directory This list shows all log files in the default directory. You can double-click a log file to show its content in the List of events and errors. All log files must have the file extension .logLog file names can be modified be the user, for example, for a better allocation, but the extension must be kept.


Version Displays the currently operating version of the TDU.


Identifies the default directory where the log files are stored.

TDU Application Error Definition

Launch TDU and Retrieve Event and Error Logs
  • The TDU can be launched by running the TDU.exe file from the C:\ Treadmill Diagnostic Utility\ directory, or right-click the TDU.exe and select Send To > Desktop (create shortcut) to create a shortcut.
    • For laptop/PC Connect an RS232 DB9 cable (pn 700609-002) to the serial port on the FE laptop and the DB9 connector on the T2100 Treadmill, and launch TDU.
    • For CASE – Make sure the CASE is connected to the T2100 Treadmill using the standard RS232 DB9 interface cable (pn 700609-002), and launch TDU.
  • Select the COM Port that the T2100 Treadmill is connected to.
      • NOTE: TDU defaults to COM1, but can be changed to use any COM port in the Port drop- down list. Change the COM port assignments so TDU is configured with an available port.
  • Enter the T2100 Treadmill serial number, or other identifying text (up to 16 digits).
  • Click Connect treadmill.
    • Communication between the TDU and the T2100 Treadmill is established.
  •  Click Retrieve event logs.
    • The latest log file is loaded into the List of log files panel. (Also, all existing log files in the C:\ Treadmill Diagnostic Utility\ are displayed.)
  • Double-click the log file name (in the top panel) and view the list of events and errors (in the bottom panel).
TDU Error Log Date and Time Information




Treadmill exits Host Synchronized Mode


Treadmill in Host Synchronized Mode


Treadmill enters Host Synchronized Mode


Treadmill powered ON in Default Mode

When the T2100 Treadmill is manufactured, or whenever the event log (flash memory) is erased, the system date and time (SDT) is set to January 1, 2050, 0:00:00 and is then  stored into the flash memory. When power is applied to the T2100 Treadmill, the SDT is set to the saved SDT in the flash memory. While power is applied, the system updates the SDT every second. When the power is lost, the updated SDT is saved back to the flash memory. Therefore, the SDT is also the total power-up date and time, which is always relative to the initial date and time of January 1, 2050, 0:00:00. The SDT is used when logging events in two different modes, the Default Mode and the Host Synchronized Mode.

Default Mode

When the T2100 Treadmill power switch is turned on, the T2100 Treadmill will always initialize in the Default Mode. When an event is logged while the system is in this mode, the event will be date and time stamped with the total power-up date and time.

Host Synchronized Mode
When the T2100 Treadmill receives a valid date and time from a host device, such as CASE v6 or the TDU, the T2100 Treadmill will enter the Host Synchronized Mode. The T2100 Treadmill will stay in this mode until power is lost to the T2100 Treadmill. While in this mode, the system keeps track of the number of seconds that pass since the date and time were received from the host. When an event is logged while the system is in this mode, the event will be date and time stamped with a date and time relative to what was sent by the host.

When the T2100 Treadmill enters the Host Synchronized Mode, the Date and Time Set event is stored with a date and time relative to the power-up date and time. This event can be used to see how the following events with actual dates and times chronologically fit in regards to the power-up date and time. In addition, the date and time of the events can be used to match up with specific stress tests.

TDU Troubleshooting Tables and Status LEDs
See the following tables to aid in troubleshooting problems identified by the status LEDs, or reported in the TDU event and error codes.

Processor Board Status LEDs
Remove the shroud and e-box cover to view the processor board status LEDs.
  • When power is applied to the e-box, the LEDs will turn on very quickly in sequence, starting at DS6 and going to DS1.
  • If self-calibration has never been performed, the LEDs will stay on until the self- calibration routine is performed.
  • If self-calibration has been performed, the LEDs will all turn off and then behave as described in the table below.
  • When power is removed from the e-box, all LEDs will turn on until the system has completed the shutdown routines.

Arrow points to Status LEDs

Drive Controller Status LED
The drive controller fault status LED is located underneath the X6 connector on the Drive Controller. Remove the shroud to view the LED.

TDU Troubleshooting Table for Drive Controller
Determine the error codes being reported by TDU and use the table below to help troubleshoot the cause and identify the repair.

Processor Board Voltage Checks

Signal Name

Nominal value

Test range

Test point



+5.1 VDC





+3.3 VDC





+11.5 VDC





+5.1 VDC





+24 VDC




Power Board Voltage Checks


Power Type

Signal Name

Nominal value


Test range


Test point



ISO Power






Non-Isolated Power






Power Board Check Test Point

Power Board Fuse Locations
The 20A and 2.5A fuses are located on the power board. Remove the cover of the e-box to access and change these fuses. The 1/2A fuses are accessed at the connector panel on the back of the T2100 Treadmill.

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